Thursday, September 18, 2008


It has been some challenging days. This is due to the fact that I am battling some struggle that I have. And in response to that situation, I have decided to de-stress and help out whoever, or what ever I could, albeit with conscious choice. But anyhow, I did help out my friend, the lynx, to prepare her FYP (finay year project) . It entails spraying condensed milk cans with black paint. And that was what we did. Funny thing was, the way I held the can, ended up making my fingers black (with spray paint) on 1 side. I then decided that It would be like Two-Face, a nemesis of Batman. ....Lo and behold!

It wasn't really bad, helping out a friend. But other than that, I was also able to talk to many other people during this time of trial for me. I choose those I could trust, and I shared ym struggle with them. In the end, I was greatly encouraged. I know that I have made friends that God has prepared for me. Those who were there and those who gave support. Thanks y'all! There is much more road we need to walk....


the lynx said...

Thanks enchanter, you're such a great help at times like that. Too bad we no longer need the black milk cans *sad* Still, thanks again *peace*

ange violette said...

It's ok lynx..Was glad to talk and do something different for a gambate oh!!!