Tuesday, April 15, 2008

If only....

If only.....

They say that these words were meant for those who regretted. For those who could not see the light at the end of the tunnel. For those who do not know who to turn to. For those with whom, Life seemingly has left them. And yet, those were my words today. LAP 100 exam was tough. And not because it is tough, but because "if only" i put in more effort!! I guessed the exams are quite 'fair' in a way. You get what you deserve based on your efforts. After such struggle, NRIC pops into the picture.

If only....

We could have been better, we could have been quicker, and yet, what could we have done? It is truly the grace of God. I had a little chat with Bro. Abe, and he encouraged me to persevere on. I guessed being homesick and fatigued made me grumpy and all. He gave a thoughtful reminder that I was put into NRIC 08 for a purpose. For me to learn hoe to depend on God, and how to persevere through. To strive. I shall never again use the word in vain. With it, it carries the true meaning of struggling with difficulties and smiling at the perfect storm!


Anonymous said...

dear edmund...
start asking what if?

what if God did not put u in that situation?

what if God didnt let u taste failure?

wat if god allows u to be successful all the time?

what if NRIC didnt came to your life?

What if god let us boast on ur success by ur own works and wisdom?

Wat if god take away storms in your life?

Ponder how great He is to have plan all this for u and only u! His plans are never wrong and never failed and i assure u will nt fail! He knows wat is best for u my bro, He allows all this to happen just for u!

Remember His graces and blessings are sometimes perceived as 'suffering' for us...bt aint suffering is His work on the cross?

If our father can bear the ultimate suffering on the cross for us...wat suffering are we enduring compared to His?

Praise God in all circumstances and my prayers are always wit u!



ange violette said...

Thanx bro! t really gives me another perspectives on things. Without the cmfort that God provides through those around me(yeah, including u!) it would have been a tougher walk. But then again, like u said, walking this tough path made me trust Him more, depend more, and praise Him more. May His name be glorified by what little things I have for Him. praise be to Jesus Christ! Thanx bro!