Saturday, November 29, 2008


It has been a different day today, as all days are different. I was in the market, running errands. At that point of time, it struck me. Ideas flooded in, and sad as it is, I did not have pen and paper with me. My mind just ran with all the ideas, to a place beyond wildest imaginations. This morning, in the market, I had also met my former teacher, Mr. Ng Kim Hock. My class teacher from Form 4 and Form 5, and also my Maths and Add. Maths teacher. was nostalgic..He was also a former student of USM. What a coincidence. After a nice chat, I continued with mom to do my errands. And at that time, I saw the market place, in a different light. It was almost the marketplace of ideas, so much properted by the globalisation theorists. I saw issues that affects on a gobal scale starting from the local scene. I saw issues of poverty, issues of empowerment, issues of education, social ills and identity. Can we empower the poor? Can we taclke issues of poverty? Can we educate our future generation?
Well, who said the market place isn't a "marketplace of ideas" in it's own? *wink*

And on another note, my chat with my former teacher, sparked a thought in my mind.
Why did I choose my line of studies?
Was it for fame and glory?
Was it because I had no choice?
Was it the only thing that I can do?
Was it because I just picked it, without any plan whatsoever?
I realised, I studied journalism for a cause. Although it was not my dream to be a reporter, but then again, I knew the power of the pen. I was never a fighter, being erm...physically erm...ineffective (looks at my own physique), but I had always been drawn to the might of words and wit. It was not pure brute strength that I admire (although at times, it does come in handy) it was the subtle, gentlemanly, intellectual battles that I sought. I choosed the world of journalism, to be a Chronicler of Time. To write and to communicate, not so much as in propaganda's or advertorials, but to show the world, what needs to be seen. Little as these dreams may seem, these are the things that interest me. But do I plan on being a reporter for long?

Well..that is up to God. Only He will know. I may even end up in a different field after this. But for now, let me just say that with all the skills that I have (or lackthereof) language and curiousity is my sharpest. And yet, it is a craft that I need to seek to hone even more.

To wield a blade without knowledge is foolish. To seek a perfection of craft without commitment and sacrifice, would be all too naive.

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